Statistics can be difficult, but a good study strategy makes them easy. Here's what has helped me in preparation and understanding:
Pay Attention to High-Value Topics. These concepts typically include probability, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. They carry the highest weight so extra time needs to be spent on these. Learn the steps involved in solving problems and interpreting the results, such as understanding what p-values mean in a hypothesis test.
Online Simulators. For topics like probability or sampling distributions, tools like StatCrunch or Wolfram Alpha help you run a simulation and visualize the results. It makes the concepts feel just a tad more concrete and less abstract.
Write Down Formulas. A lot of statistics formulas exist: mean, variance, standard deviation, z-scores, and more. Make a formula sheet that could serve as a quick cheat sheet and that implements order for how or when to use each one well.
Practice is key to developing confidence in statistics. Solve as many problems as you can from past exams, textbooks, or online practice resources. Khan Academy and Stat Trek have excellent tutorials and practice exercises online for free.
When you encounter problems, consult an online tutor. The tutor can unravel any problem, one step at a time, and help the student understand where the problem lies. Sometimes all the students out there need is minor supervision.
Maybe you should think twice before you panic about statistics. Make that hard decision to focus on the basics, keep practicing, and remember-it's all about going through a process. Ideally, one can start to comprehend the questions once some level of knowledge is attained. Practice makes perfect; you will do great!